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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Albert: The Jade Dragoon

Name: King Albert
Age: 27
Race: Human
Weapon: Javelin
Element: Wind

King Albert is the royal highness of the Duchy of Basil.  He is deeply loved by his people.  He is able to fight using a deadly javelin. Albert was taught how to fight by his most trusted warrior, Lavitz.  Albert would be the king of Serdio, but a royal dispute that killed his father has caused the kingdom to split in two.  The two kingdoms, Basil, ruled by Albert, and Sandora, ruled by his rival and uncle, Enperor Doel.  His journey is on behalf of the people of Serdio, and his loyal kinght and friend, Lavitz.

As soon as the war between Serido and Basil ended, Albert gave up his duty as king and decided his fate is to continue his journey with his fellow Dragoon knights.  He continues this journey on behalf of a his friend, Lavitz.  He obtained his Dragoon power from Lavitz.  His expertise in use of a Javelin allows him to cause deadly blows to enemies, really helps Dart thoughout his journey.  He has great knowledge of many things, but not as well as Rose's.  He is an open minded person and has a strong desire for more information.

Game information:


Addition 1 : Harpoon                          Learn : Initiative            Hits : 1                      

Addition 2 : Spinning Cane                 Learn : Level 5             Hits : 2                     

Addition 3 : Rod Typhoon                   Learn : Level 7             Hits : 5                      

Addition 4 : Gust of wind Dance          Learn : Level 11           Hits : 8 

Addition 5: Flower Storm                    Learn: When finished other addtion 80 times Hits:8



                                                Level               MP            SP

Wing Blaster                                                   10            100sp

Rose Storm                                                    20            1200sp

Gaspless                                                       30            6000sp

                                                                     40            12000sp

Jade Dragon                                                   80            200000sp