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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved


  MP3s Section

Here you'll be able to find all the music you need from the official Legend of Dragoon Soundtrack.  Their all supported on my Yahoo geocities account, but I'm exceeding my storage limit.  The ones with the blue underline is downloadable.

1.        If you still believe

2.        Opening (menu screen)

3.        Introduction

4.        World map disc 1

5.        Seles town theme

6.        Hellana theme

7.        Battle theme

8.        Lloyd’s theme

9.        Dart’s theme

10.     Prairie theme

11.     Bale/Flez theme

12.     Trouble

13.     Prepare for battle

14.     Reminisce

15.     Lohan town theme

16.     Dabas Theme

17.     Minor boss theme

18.     Black Castle theme

19.     World map disc 2

20.     Furni theme

21.     Meru’s theme

22.     Castle theme

23.     Shana’s theme

24.     Remember

25.     Phantom’s ship

26.     Swamp battle theme

27.     Death theme

28.     World map disc 3

29.     Forest theme

30.     Despair

31.     Deningrad theme

32.     Ancient Story

33.     Boss battle

34.     Crystal Palace

35.     Forrbidden land

36.     Kashua glacier

37.     Zeig’s theme

38.     Major boss battle

39.     World map disc 4

40.     Rouge

41.     Rose’s theme

42.     Mintos theme

43.     Death city Mayfil

44.     Lavitz’s theme

45.     Law City Zenebatos

46.     Final Battle theme

47.     First Generation

48.     Second generation

49.     Third generation

50.    Ending theme