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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Dart: The Red-eyed Dragoon

Name: Dart
Age: 23
Race: Human
Weapon: Sword
Element: Fire

Suummery: He's a brave and loyal warrior with a sword.  His parents were killed in a tragic accident in the small town of Neet 18 years ago.  His town was attacked by the Black Monster, which is an assumsion of another race that was created for Destruction.  Dart sworn to avenge the death of his parents by once and for all, killing the Black Monster.  He searched for five years with no suscess.  His destiny will take him further than a simple quest for revenge.

He obtained his Dragoon Spirit from his father after the town of Neet had been destoryed by the Black Monster.  Dart never actually discovered the true power of the Dragoon spirit until he met a warrior named Rose.  She released his inner power.


Game information:


Addition 1 : Double Slash              Learn : Initiative            Hits : 2                        

Addition 2 : Volcano                      Learn : Level 2             Hits : 4                        

Addition 3 : Burning Rush              Learn : Level 8             Hits : 3                        

Addition 4 : Crush Dance               Learn : Level 15           Hits : 5                        

Addition 5 : Madness Hero             Learn : Level 22           Hits : 6                         

Addition 6 : Moon Strike                Learn : Level 29            Hits : 7                        

Addition 7 : Blazing Dynamo          Learn : Finish the other additions 80 times



                                                Level               MP            SP

Flameshot                                                     10            100sp

Explosion                                                      20            1200sp

Final Burst                                                    30            6000sp

                                                                    40            12000sp

Red Eyed Dragon                                           80            200000sp