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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Haschel: The Violet Thunder Dragoon

Name: Haschel
Age: 60
Race: Human
Weapon: Lethal Claws
Element: Thunder

Summery: Haschel may be an old man but has the strength, speed, and stamina of a young man.  He left his peaceful town of Rouge in search of his runaway daughter.  He is the master of Rouge school and is able to recongize it's art.  Haschel has journeyed for a long time and he looks at life in a humorous manner.

He joins up with Dart at the hero competition in Chapter 1.  He wanted to continue to help Dart with his objectives and search for his daughter, Claire, as well.  He obtained his Dragon Spirit when he helped Dart ended the Serdian War by defeating Empror Doel.

Game information:


Addition 1 : Double Punch             Learn : Initiative      Hits : 2                        

Addition 2 : Fury of Stix                Learn : Level 14      Hits : 3                        

Addition 3 : Summon Four Gods    Learn : Level 18      Hits : 4                        

Addition 4 : 5 Ring Shattering        Learn : Level 22      Hits : 5                        

Addition 5 : Hex Hammer              Learn : Level 26      Hits : 7                   

Addition 6: Omni-Sweep               Learn: Finish all other additons 80 times  Hits: 8



                                                Level               MP            SP

Atomic Mind                                                   10            100sp

Thunder Kid                                                    20            1200sp

Thunder God                                                   30            6000sp

                                                                     40            12000sp

Violet Dragon                                                  80            200000sp