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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Kongol: The Golden Dragoon

Name: Kongol
Age: 37
Race: Giganto
Weapon: Large Axe
Element: Earth

Suummery:  Kongol is one of the last surviving Gigantos of his tribe.  He used to work for Emperor Doel because he promised that all races shall be equal.  After Emperor Doel's death, he wishes to continue searching for a way to make Endliness a place where everyone is welcome.  He goes to Dart because he believes Dart to be a good leader of the people.

Game information:


Addition 1 : Pursuit                    Learn : Initiative            Hits : 2                        

Addition 2 : Inferno                     Learn : Level 23             Hits : 4                        

Addition 3 : Bone Crush             Learn : Finish all other additions 80 times   Hits : 3 




                                                Level               MP            SP

Grand Stream                                                 10            100sp

                                                                     20            1200sp

Metor Strike                                                   30            6000sp

                                                                     40            12000sp

Golden Dragon                                               80            200000sp