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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Lavitz: Jade Dragoon

Name: Lavitz
Age: 34
Race: Human
Weapon: Spear
Element: Wind

Summary:  Lavitz is the head of the first Knighthood of Basil.  King Albert most trusted and loyal knight.  He'll risk his life for his country, and his king.  He stands in battle bravely beside Dart.  He fights on behalf of King Albert and his people.  He met  Dart when he was at Hellena Prison trying to save Shana.  As Dart says he wants to end the War, Lavitz joins up with Dart.  After defeating Greham, Lavitz was able to obtain the Jade Daragon Spirit.  After his second visit to Hellena to rescue King Albert, he was unable to defeat Lloyd who has stolen the moon gem from Albert.  Then Albert was able to recive the Jade Dragon Spirit after Lavitz's death.


Game information:


Addition 1 : Harpoon                        Learn : Initiative            Hits : 1                      

Addition 2 : Spinning Cane               Learn : Level 5             Hits : 2                     

Addition 3 : Rod Typhoon                Learn : Level 7             Hits : 5                      

Addition 4 : Gust of wind Dance       Learn : Level 11           Hits : 8 

Addition 5: Blossom Storm              Learn: When finished other addtion 80 times Hits:8



                                                Level               MP            SP

Wing Blaster                                                   10            100sp

Blossom Storm                                               20            1200sp

Gaspless                                                       30            6000sp

                                                                     40            12000sp

Jade Dragon                                                   80            200000sp