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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Lloyd: Platimum

Name: Lloyd
Age: Unknown
Race: Wingly
Weapon: Dragon Buster
Element: Non-elemental

Summery: One of the last remaining survivors of
 the Winglies.  He works for a leader, whose identity is known as Emperor Diaz, but his more information on him remains unknown.  Lloyd has able to command many brutal men.  He desires for a utopia, that was set up by Emperor Diaz, and was destined be the Soa.  Yet he unsure of what that utopia he desires might bring.