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Legend of Dragoon Chronicles belongs to Darkaqua. All content displayed belongs to the webmistress, all Legend of Dragoon products and images on this page are copyrighted Sony. I am not affiliated with Sony in any way. All images on the site belongs to the property of the owner. All rights reserved

Rose: The Dark Dragoon

Name: Rose
Age: Unknown
Race: Human/Dragoon knight
Weapon: Rapier
Element: Darkness

Suummery: Rose is a mysterious, yet powerful warrior.  Shrouded in mystery, she has much knowledge that is far greater than most.  Her past is very hidden, and most of the information about herself is consealed.  She slices through the world with a deadly sword, mercless to opposing forces.  No one knows what her intentions are, in time, fate will force her to reveal her deepest secrets

Thoughout the legend, Rose continues her journey along with Dart, but her purpose remains unknown.  She has important knowledge and information thoughout Endliness that comes in handy in her journey.  She has saved Dart's life many times thoughout the journey.

Game information:


Addition 1 : Whip Smack              Learn : Initiative            Hits : 1                      

Addition 2 : More and More           Learn : Level 14             Hits : 2                     

Addition 3 : Hard Blade                 Learn : Level 19             Hits : 5                      

Addition 4 : Demon's Dance          Learn : Finish other additions 80 times   Hits : 8 



                                                Level               MP            SP

Astral Drain                                                    10            100sp

Death Dimension                                            20            1200sp

Demon's Gate                                                30            6000sp

                                                                    40            12000sp

Dark Dragon                                                  80            200000sp